Blog  I’m an Israeli, but my Home is in Mississippi

I’m an Israeli, but my Home is in Mississippi

When I first heard my destination in summer 2015 was going to be Utica, Mississippi, I was perplexed. I wasn’t sure I knew where Mississippi was! All of my friends, who were accepted in the Jewish Agency ‘Shlichim’ Program, went to summer camps in New York or California, and I found myself on a long journey to Mississippi. I was on my own, not sure who and what I should expect when I got there, and I didn’t really understand what exactly they meant by “A Jewish Place at a Southern Pace.”

Fast forward one year, I’m back at camp for my second summer. I have a different title as the Creative Arts Department Head, and I love everyday I spend here. However, people, Israeli and American, keep asking me why I am back for another summer. They ask, “Wasn’t one summer enough of the whole summer camp experience?”

My answer to them is simple: Jacobs is my home away from home. I have formed lifelong friendships, and become a part of a community in a way that I could never have in Israel. I not only expanded upon my knowledge of Jewish values, but also further shaped my Jewish identity, feeling as if my Judaism makes me special.

Coming from Israel where all my family and friends are Jewish, I found it unique that some of the campers experience their connection to Judaism only in camp. 
I learned how much they care about Judaism and Israel, and I felt honored to represent my country and to be there for campers and staff members who wanted to know more about my beloved country.

In short, camp provided me with an abundant amount of opportunities that I could have not found elsewhere. Camp allowed me to spread my knowledge and love of Israel, while learning more about myself in the process. There are not too many jobs in the world that allow me to do that, and for that I am thankful.

I want to thank the Jacobs Camp community for letting me in so openly; I want to thank camp for being so supportive, friendly, and kind to everyone no matter their background or culture.

I don’t know where I’ll be next summer or 10 summers from now. I do know that Jacobs camp will stay in my heart and will forever be my home away from home.


Matan Bechor

Creative Arts Department Head