The URJ Henry S. Jacobs Camp is a living, vibrant Reform Jewish community that forms anew each summer. It stands as a model of excellence among both the Reform Camping Movement and the broader community of Jewish summer camps. Each summer, we see the significance of informal Jewish education and the role it plays in the formation of a strong Jewish identity.
Since 1970, when Jacobs Camp first opened its gates, many committed lay people and Jewish professionals have contributed their talents, their passions, and their hard work to enable Jacobs to touch the lives of thousands of Jewish youth from the Deep South. The dedication of the Jacobs Camp Committee leadership for the last 40+ years was borne out of our belief in the values of Reform Judaism and Jewish camping as an essential and transformative experience for our children.
We have continued to support our professional staff as they work to improve both the programming and the facility, and have partnered with them to raise the needed funds to accomplish our goals. We acknowledge and appreciate the significantt contributions of the Committee's leadership during the last 40 years. One of the strengths of the Jacobs Camp Committee is that it helps to foster lay involvement in the current operations and in the future of the Camp. Although the Camp Committee has been involved in varying amounts of actual hands on work over the years, the dedication of its members has always been steadfast.
Purpose and Structure
The purpose of the Camp Committee is to support, advise, provide feedback to, proactively plan, and provide additional resources toward the accomplishment of the major functions of Camp together with the Director.
The Camp Committee is made up of:
- Executive Committee
- Development Committee
- Facilities Committee
- Governance Committee
- Marketing Committee
- Alumni Association Chair
- Dream Street Board of Advisors Chair
- Task Forces (as appointed by Chair)
- Jewish Professional Advisor
- Camp Medical Advisor
- NFTY Southern President
The Camp Director works closely with the Camp Committee chair and is a member of all sub-committees.
The Camp Committee Chair leads both the Camp Committee and the Executive Committee and is a member of all sub-committees.
For More Information
Gary Lazarus
Camp Committee Chair
Anna Blumenfeld Herman
Camp Director
In Their Words
"Being on the camp committee has been the most rewarding volunteer job I have ever undertaken." - Committee Member
Top 10 Ways to Support Camper Recruitment
10. Keep doing the great work you do as members of the Camp Committee in general.
9. Provide us with names of potential campers in your congregations.
8. When providing names of potential campers, be as detailed as possible.
7. Be in touch with us in advance of our trips to your city.
6. Help plan the recruiting trips!
5. Host an event in your home for interested (or just potentially interested) families.
4. Send YOUR kids to Camp!
3. Anytime you hear “community buzz”—positive or not—regarding the Camp, let us know what people are saying.
2. Be an advocate for HSJ year-round.
1. Use your position as a leader in your congregation to encourage frequent, outspoken support from your rabbi(s), religious school director, & congregational president.