Blog  Shabbat Letter from Anna (June 10, 2016)

Shabbat Letter from Anna (June 10, 2016)

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Shabbat Shalom Jacobs Family,

After months of excitement, preparation and a busy season on the road, I am so awe struck at the fact that our largest summer ever is underway! Yesterday, we welcomed over 200 campers home to Jacobs Camp. Walking up and down the road, spending time with each family was a true pleasure for me and the feeling when the gates opened was one we have anticipated for so long.

Our campers have begun settling into their cabins, reuniting with old friends, and creating new bonds and friendships. I know these bonds will continue to flourish throughout the summer and for many years to come. Seeing campers and their counselors in the Chadar Ochel (dining hall) enjoying grilled cheese and fried chicken on opening day is a moment we have all been looking forward to since our gates closed last August. During our opening ceremonies, four campers introduced four different Jewish values that we are focusing on this summer: V’ahavta leorecha kamocha (loving your neighbor as yourself), anavah (humility), shmirat haguf (taking care of one’s body), and bitachon atzmi (self confidence). These four values encompass aspects of our overall theme of every human being made B’tzelem Elohim (in God’s image). It is always uplifting to see campers take part in the special Jewish traditions at Jacobs Camp. We pass the Torah down a line of campers in our opening ceremony, from the youngest camper to the oldest, symbolizing the connection we all have to this place and to our Jewish traditions. The opening ceremony is a beautiful way for our community to come together and officially celebrate the start of camp.

This Shabbat, we are spending a lot of time focusing on creating Jewish connections to places around camp. I am always working to make camp the best it can be, but I will be taking some time this Shabbat to think about what this camp has and continues to give me, and what we have given and will continue to give our campers throughout this season. I look forward to hearing the voices of our campers and staff as they sing the songs of Shabbat.

I want to thank each and every one of you, parents, alumni, campers, and staff members, for helping to create a perfect opening day! I, along with the rest of HSJ staff, look forward to our campers creating everlasting memories and friendships! I think it is appropriate that I end my first letter to you with the translation of the Shehechiyanu prayer, which we sing together each Friday night: “Our praise to You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of all: for giving us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to reach this season.”

All of us in Utica wish you all a very happy week.



